Comfort For My Friends

comfortComfort…what a soothing word alone.  This means as it states to soothe, console or reassure; bring cheer to; to make physically comfortable; to support or encourage; relief in affliction; consolation; solace; a person or thing that gives consolation.

I often times think about how much comfort can I get from others in the time of heavy testing and trial or how I can be of comfort to others.  Somewhere along the line I think that even in this we all fall short.  I can find that no matter where I am, I can feel a pang of suffering hit me for many reasons.  I seek to be consoled.  I search for that one true friend that will be there all the time no matter what and I still always come up short.  There is always that moment where you feel the pressure, the pain, the hurt, the sadness, the doubt, the fear and turmoil.  A whole variety of emotions can overtake us at any moment of the day.  That is why it is vitally important to stay plugged in to the power and presence of God.  Every day that we wake is another opportunity for us to do whatever it takes to think on His word, to talk to God in prayer, to seek positive things all throughout the day.  Seek those things that will uplift your spirit, mind and soul for this is vital for daily strength.    

get-plugged-inWe are human beings.  We feel every day.  We are not machines.  It is actually harder to try to live like a machine.  We function in a weakened capacity and need to put on strength every day.  It happens to us all no matter who you are.  It is part of our process.  I do find a lot of things to be of a comfort that are good for us such as friendships, counseling and fellowship but none of these things will ever fill the deepest void that will sit in our hearts.  The only one that could fill that to complete capacity is God Almighty.  He sent His Son, and then gave us the Holy Spirit as a Comforter because He knew that this walk would not be easy.  We can think of how beautiful and warm a real blanket comforter can be.  How much more will the comfort of the Holy Spirit be to us in a time where we need it the most?  He fills the deepest parts of us, things unseen, behind the smiles, behind the laughter and puts Himself right there where He needs to be.

So I am not sure what your suffering may be today.  Just know that there is the One that is our lifelong Comforter – that no one else can replace – that is the very presence of God Himself.  It is a comfort even just to know that truth.   “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1 Just when you need it the most, He is a present help for us. Even if you have to break down and cry, He will be there right with you.  God is our comfort for all of our days.  He will soothe us, console us, reassure us and bring cheer to us.   He will bring us support, encouragement and relief in any affliction.

About Christina

Blessings to all that are viewing this. My name is Christina Cruz-Mendez. I am a Senior Pastor at Mission United International Church in Yonkers, NY working along side my husband Juan A. Mendez Jr. Senior Pastor, currently residing in Canton, Georgia. We have been together for 29 years with 2 children that God has blessed us with. Makes us the family of four - "JusChrist4". I have been a Christian and active in ministry for about 22 years now. Through all the rocky and smooth roads in life I am eternally grateful that God has brought me this far in life to share with the world what He is doing in me, through me and for me. View all posts by Christina

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