What God Ordains, He will Sustain

It’s all about RENEWING!



It is time to cast (throw using force) your cares on Me says God.

I know you are afraid but do not be afraid. I will work all things out for you.

Trust Me.

Believe Me.

Watch Me.

It’s normal for fear to rise up. It’s normal for doubt to rise up and confusion to question My voice.

Don’t be afraid, as I told the Israelites. Walk through the waters that I part for you. Initially it’s shallow then gets deeper and deeper. But as you look you will find that I paved the way just for you. Just get to the other side. It becomes shallow again.

I know this doesn’t make sense.

I know the enemy is always chasing after you but FEAR NOT, for he cannot hurt what I protect. He cannot shake what I keep.

If I ordain it then be sure that I will ALWAYS sustain it. Don’t fret because that will only cause you harm (Psalm 37) but trust Me. Trust Me in all things. I follow through. Seek Me and you shall find Me.

Stand firm and stand in My Word. It works! Just keep looking at that…. My Word. Keep listening for that… My still small voice.

“Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”” Exodus 14:13-14 NIV

And so God says it!

What God ordains, He will sustain.

Be at peace.

About Christina

Blessings to all that are viewing this. My name is Christina Cruz-Mendez. I am a Senior Pastor at Mission United International Church in Yonkers, NY working along side my husband Juan A. Mendez Jr. Senior Pastor, currently residing in Canton, Georgia. We have been together for 29 years with 2 children that God has blessed us with. Makes us the family of four - "JusChrist4". I have been a Christian and active in ministry for about 22 years now. Through all the rocky and smooth roads in life I am eternally grateful that God has brought me this far in life to share with the world what He is doing in me, through me and for me. View all posts by Christina

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