Category Archives: Loved Letters


It’s not the load that breaks you down; it’s how you carry it.

Everyone has a different story in four years. So I am going to celebrate mine joyfully.

In four years I have gotten older, sharper and stronger.

In four years I lost great people and gained great ones.

In four years I have been in the best days of my life, family and ministry.

In four years I am just D I F F E R E N T.

In these past four years I learned to carry the loads of life in a different way.

Through prayer.

Through study.

Through timely fasting.

Not many but when I did them they were lengthy, sacrificial and worthwhile.

I can experience victory after victory through enjoying the God in me. Enjoying how to be still and quieter with Him.

Learning how to pick my battles.

I celebrate my own milestone because when people think I may be unqualified to be a wife, to be a mother, to be a pastor, to be writer, to be a professional or to do whatever —God has made me QUALIFIED!

I am qualified, selected and chosen to continue celebrating four years of the launch of with over 400 blog posts and 2 published books! I am so grateful. All these things have been made possible for me.

I am more than able because it is not just the four years that taught me something of significance but the whole 44 that got me to this point of GRACE, LOVE, FREEDOM and virtue. I am not just a conqueror but I am more than a conqueror—He sees me as a champion.

Every step of the way, He reminds me…. Christina YOU CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH ME. All things. You are getting stronger, wiser, sharper, and becoming more of a visionary then ever before.

I dare to be different. It costs me much, but I can safely share this with you readers….The loads of life didn’t BREAK ME, they BUILT me.

They will build you too!

Keep going! Never give up!

Celebrate your milestones and victories too.

It is only going to get better.

Seasons of difficultly only prepare you for the greatest seasons of breakthrough.

Scripture Reference

“I know what it means to lack, and I know what it means to experience overwhelming abundance. For I’m trained in the secret of overcoming all things, whether in fullness or in hunger. And I find that the strength of Christ’s explosive power infuses me to conquer every difficulty. You’ve so graciously provided for my essential needs during this season of difficulty.” Philippians‬ ‭4:12-14‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Kingdom Generals 2019

God did the miraculous at Kingdom Generals 2019.

I have been so busy, so tired and yes, so weary that I haven’t had much time for anything. Especially the things I love.

Reading 📖

Writing ✍🏽

Prayer 🙏🏽

Fellowship 👭👭

Just so many things. I am tired!

And I need these things in my life for survival.

I got to KG and these peeps really put it in… Pastor Jose, Cassy, Lady, Matt, Dave, Ike, Janet, Jillian, Nia, John…. and at night after a powerful first service we got to our pampered log cabin room. They went above and beyond as usual.

One thing I can say was special is that they got me a little tree pandora charm to add to my bracelet. That was sweetness. I love trees… obviously because they are so representative of how our connection is with God.

Encounter worship was just lovely and precious! I can be there all day… listening, hearing, and just in posture ready to sing my heart out to the King.

The speakers are all dynamic. The pastors, family and friends simply grateful. But God God God.. did you ever just sweep in a place and stamp a seal of manifested presence.

I wanted to cry all day. But I got up because I heard the prayers … over my family. God was moving in such a tangible way. Prayer warriors and intercessors were pressing in like crazy.

I spoke with God… “You know me and in everything I do I know You are there.” My heart prays too. Even when it goes through the big ups and downs… The many roller coaster transitions, I am praying in a different way. You spoke back and it was profound. I will meditate on Your truth day and night.

The impossible made possible is just knowing that no matter what moment or obstacle, You are there. I am grateful for who You are, what You did and what You continue to do that moves mountains.

“This is just too wonderful, deep, and incomprehensible! Your understanding of me brings me wonder and strength. Where could I go from your Spirit? Where could I run and hide from your face? If I go up to heaven, you’re there! If I go down to the realm of the dead, you’re there too! If I fly with wings into the shining dawn, you’re there! If I fly into the radiant sunset, you’re there waiting! Wherever I go, your hand will guide me; your strength will empower me. It’s impossible to disappear from you or to ask the darkness to hide me, for your presence is everywhere, bringing light into my night.”

Psalms 139:6-11 TPT

Don’t Let ‘Em In

I could have so used seeing something like this today:

(S W I P E) 2 years ago today.
This is Pastor Christina a woman who wears her scars as accessories to show the world how beautiful transformation really is. It takes courage and a special kind of confidence to be so raw. She has inspired me in more ways I can say. Happy Monday #MotivationMonday love you to pieces Mama C 💜🐛🦋

From Lucy Torres –one of my spiritual daughters.  She is absolutely amazing, beautiful, caring, daring and exceptionally talented in so many ways.  I love her tremendously.

I remember such a great memory like this.  It’s good to share good things and moments about each other. It let’s us know that we had them! They existed and they exist.  We just keep making new ones. Some with new and some with the older connections. Either way we make them–a boat load of memories that we should cherish. That’s what I am learning.  Life is like a ROSE, we understand that the petals will eventually fall… but it never changes what existed. A beautiful flower. That’s what it is.

As I reflect on good things I have to remind myself to KEEP ON! To keep stable. To keep my peace. Don’t let in anything else contrary to that. Nothing false.  Nothing toxic. Nothing with drama. Don’t let ’em in!

There is a movie that my family loves to see called, “Four Christmases” with Vince Vaughn. He is hilarious in this film.  He stars alongside Reese Witherspoon.  There is a scene where they have to visit all the parents and they speak prior to the visits to make sure that they don’t let them in! Meaning…that they won’t allow the family visits to hinder or effect who they are or their relationship.

After a few visits they began to fuss and argue…  So Brad (Vince Vaughn) tells his girlfriend Kate (Reese Witherspoon) — “We’re Lettin’ them in!” It was a reminder of their own pep-talk and encouragement to each other to stay strong even when those around them may get crazy. It was a funny scene and such a truth to how we can let people or the situations around us affect our mood.

Either they can make us happy or they can make us sad. They can make us frustrated, they can make us angry.  The thing to do is always CHOOSE wisely and know that whenever we do encounter situations that can rive us up we must keep to the stable place within.

Don’t let the noise in. Don’t let the enemy bring you down. Don’t allow people, things, places, situations, relationships, challenges or hardships to get in the way of who you are and what you need to accomplish. It may not always be easy but it certainly is possible. Live well. Live at peace. Keep at it. Stay on the course that sustains you, that keeps you healthy and grounded. That is why I share that memory. It was right where I love, doing what I love and surrounded by women that my heart will always cherish.

With Love,


Scripture Reference:
Put on the full armor of God to protect yourselves from the devil and his evil schemes. We’re not waging war against enemies of flesh and blood alone. No, this fight is against tyrants, against authorities, against supernatural powers and demon princes that slither in the darkness of this world, and against wicked spiritual armies that lurk about in heavenly places. And this is why you need to be head-to-toe in the full armor of God: so you can resist during these evil days and be fully prepared to hold your ground.
Ephesians 6:11-13 (VOICE Translation)


Wow! Done! Day 5… first book of the year and what a POWERFUL one at that! @thesinglewoman … Mandy Hale; Thank you for sharing YOU with us… the uncut, fully flawed, unapologetic and authentic version of who God made you to be! It’s MORE than enough! It’s a walking testimony to the lives of everyone that has ever doubted themselves, questioned, felt like never ever enough. But this powerful message is a lifeline for us and a reminder that LOVE SHOWS UP… and let’s us know that we are enough. To us… that love is God! God shows up every time we fall into that slump to remind us… let it be, I got this. I am with you always even to the end of this age!!! #iamenough ♥️

How many times have I felt inadequate? Not capable? Not enough? Last? Lonely? Sad? Confused? Disappointed? Oh my God! He knows it all. And so I loved this woman’s story! I wrote down the most profound reminders.

Page 89!!!! Even tapped it again as I found it:

”And maybe, just maybe, our enoughness, our worth, has nothing whatsoever to do with who’s beside us and everything to do with what’s inside us.”

Page 87:

”When you lose yourself, you find yourself.”    ”I think I needed to lose myself for a little while, to wander, to wonder, in order to realize I will always, always be able to find myself again in the things that I love. In the things that I’ve always loved. The heart of who we are, who we were, way back when—it never really changes.”

Page 102-103:

”Because that’s what love does. It shows up, and it means you are right where you’re at. Love kneels and comforts and speaks softly of hope even when all hope seems lost.” “Because that’s what love does. It’s sacrifices. It misses out on sleep. It puts the other person ahead of its own comfort. LOVE SHOWS UP.”

Page 105-106:

”But you know what happens to girls who allow themselves to become life rafts? They sink themselves. They get dragged into whirling, swirling cesspools of drama and chaos and dysfunction. They start to mistake mirages for the real deal. They start to question why they seem to never be enough.”

”You are not a life raft, you are not a compass, you are not bread crumbs, you are not a flashlight, you are not a Band-Aid, and you are not a stop along the way as he attempts to ‘find himself.’ You are a destination. A whole, complete person who deserves another whole, complete person. You are wonderfully, beautifully enough.”

“But find your own way. Chart your own course. And never use another human being and their feelings and emotions as your GPS. Never look to another person to rescue you.”

And that’s the point! It’s a God thing! He is everything we are ever going to need. We are enough, just as He is to us. He made us that way!

E N O U G H ♥️